
Monday, November 15, 2010

My first cheque from mginger

After long wait, finally I got my first cheque. It gave me immense pleasure. Definitely it has reinforced my belief in this SMS concept. Only requirement to earn money through this is that you need to have large number of members under you…to get the cheque at faster rate. So come and join it and start earning by sitting at home:)
To join this click at below link:

Thanks to all my existing members and Thanks in advance to all forthcoming members. Below is Congratulation letter received along with cheque:


priyanka said...

can you please tell me how we earn through this

Sumit Goel said...

Hi You need to register/SignUp your mobile Number using below mentioned link :

Once you have registed your mobile Number , you will get verification message from mginger.In that message you will get uniquie code,Just verify that message by sending that code back to mginger at the provided number. After that for every message you recevied from Mginger , you will earn 20 paise. These messages would be about discounts/offers in you city. Now you can make member under you.For every message received by member under you, you will get 10 paise.Similarly 5 paise for every message received by members of your member.


Sumit Goel said...

Hi Priyanka

You will need to verify your mobile number in order to activate the mginger account.


Unknown said...

cool .. I just today signed mginger.. are there any other products like mginger that offers moneymaking like that? if you know let me also know about it


Sumit Goel said...

Hi Girish

Thanks for joining mginger, I am aware of only this scheme , as now I can trust on it also make fast money through it ...make as many member as possible under you.
